Sunday, May 1, 2011

No Rondo Bashing on My Watch!

I've said it before and I'll say it again:  I'm not interested in bashing Rondo or comparing him to other point guards.  To do so would be an exercise in futility and in irrelevance.

Rondo is our point guard and the point guard who got us here and led our sweep of the Knickbockers.

The important factor is the strategies employed by Doc using the talents of the players we have to their greatest advantage.

There is no such thing as pushing the ball up more than neccessary.  The success the Celtics have had when Rondo pushes the ball up aggressively, or when whoever is playing the point does it, is self evident.

Pushing the ball means using all the talent we have to our best advantage and that means not just Rondo but Ray, Paul, and KG.

Comparing Rondo's situation on the Celtics to a USA pick-up team lead by a college coach is ludicrous.  The Celtics and Rondo would have buried that team deep in their and their college coach K's own hubris.

I don't care who among point guards may be better than Rondo:  it is totally irrelevant to the 2011 playoffs, where we find ourselves now, with Rondo leading the Big Three, pushing the pace, and distributing the ball.

That's our recipe for success, and we'll see who is left standing among point guards when the playoffs are over and all is said and done.

A team needs a good point guard to win:  the Celtics have a good point guard.  Basketball is a team game and Rondo fits within the frame-work of the Celtics very well. 

Where Rondo stands in comparison to other guards is quite irrelevant to the task at hand:  moving through the playoffs toward the Finals.

Amen.  Nuff said.  End of story.

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