Friday, May 20, 2011

J-Mac on KG - the Retiring Type?

KG to retire? That's what Jackie MacMullen of ESPN speculates on WEEI today.  J-Mac bases her hunch on a gut feeling and on the way KG disappeared after the Game 5 loss, on how hard he took that loss, and on cryptic comments he made during the season including the All Star weekend.

She stresses that hers is just "a feeling" and is not based on any reports or conversations.

She also touches on Big Baby's problems and Doc's problems with Mr. Davis, on Rondo, on signing Jeff Green, and on Paul Pierce possibly coming of the bench and how odd the idea must seem to The Truth.

J-Mac thinks that the Celtics are up to something big, what with the five year contract to Doc, all the free agents, the sign & trade possibilities, and the NBA cap restructuring.

Interesting stuff.

1 comment:

  1. KG's salary for the 2011-2012 season is $21,247,044. KG eats, sleeps and breathes
    NBA basketball. For KG to retire and not
    play the 2011-2012 season would be a shocker
    in my opinion. What would he do? I think
    it's speculation and nothing more. K.G. must
    have laughed if he heard about Jackie MacMullen's "gut feeling".
